Seeking Within

Inspirational Leadership

Great Investment

Why Leadership Development

Great Leaders inspire, attract & retain high performing talent.

We believe that leadership is at the heart of everything we do, in thought, vision and deed. Leaders discover themselves through a journey of exploration and seeking within, guided by the inner spiritual compass.

Our interventions are customised in organisational rhythm of culture, productivity and performance.

Future talent

Leadership Offerings

Support individuals to discover & unleash their potential to take on leadership roles.

A journey of seeking within and be guided by the inner spiritual compass.

Upskill to develop people to deliver extraordinary results. 

Learn to navigate the leap from managing to leading.

Prepares managers for high impact, hands on experience.

Train & develop to work with others.

A journey of seeking within and be guided by the inner spiritual compass.

Upskill to develop people to deliver extraordinary results.

Learn to navigate the leap from managing to leading.

Prepares managers for high impact, hands on experience.

Train & develop to work with others.

Unlock the Tatvã

Leadership Exploration & Development (LEAD)

Our Flagship offering LEAD is designed to take potential leaders on a reflective journey from the inside to the outside. We believe that to go high you must dive deep.


- Display inspirational Leadership by imbibing mindsets & attitudes of excellence
- Facilitate a culture of alignment for performance
- Learn the skills/ attitudes/ behaviours to become people managers who through empowerment create stickiness
- Build unstoppable teams of high performance

Key Highlights

- Five powerful themes of:

  1. Looking Inward - The Tatvã of Personal Mastery
  2. Looking Outward – The changing global landscape & its challenges
  3.  Connecting - On a foundation of Emotional Intelligence
  4. Developing - Engagement and Enrolment
  5. Delivering - Execution Mastery

- Inside / out approach
- Methodology builds in Deep reflections on personal behaviours & awakens individuals to move from control to empowerment
- Customised to the organisational context, hence moving away from
leadership knowledge to practical implementation
- Robust process of action learning projects
- Integrated Coaching methodology weaved into the intervention.
- Coaching by certified leadership coaches
- Strong sustainability methods supported by pre & post impact
- 8 - 12 months in duration


Because of this immersive process, we have seen the following outcomes:
- Shift in mind-sets: Reasoning to Inspiring
- New cultures of informal interactions / creative explorations for doing things differently / challenging to keep creative tension alive
- Honouring mind-sets of diversity & inclusion
- Living the values of cross functional synergy / transparency / fairness

For whom

Middle to Senior management professionals who are moving into people manager responsibilities I 8-10 months.

And the minds engage the heart

Leader as a Coach

A workplace where leaders engage the mind of individuals & teams to tap talent contribute to high performance. This happens when the leader moves from being in control to shaping the understanding, development, and learning of team members so they can act both independently and in line with the goals of the organization. The leader becomes a coach.


- Move from telling to enabling
- Upskill the Emotional Intelligence quotient
- Imbibe attitudes & skills needed to be a coach at work
- Practice sessions to enable leaders to hit the road running

Key Highlights

- Buy in to the need to becoming a coach
- Addressing Challenges of moving from telling to enabling
- Deep understanding of the differences between teaching /mentoring/ coaching / telling
- Practice sessions using the different models like Grow/ Disney


Reporting managers/ leaders developing competencies in a systematic continuous manner thereby impacting performance & productivity.

For whom

All people managers I modular over 1 month.

Leap Ahead

Scaling New Heights

This intervention is positioned at the manager of managers level leaders. When leaders move from managing others to managing managers, they need to upskill to be successful in this new role.


- Aligning to the new role
- Creating an enabling climate for teams to grow
- Seeding Leadership attitudes

Key Highlights

- Mastery of situational leadership
- Working at the new role level without downgrading to earlier role
- Simulated project using adventure methodology
- Problem solving on practical situations using approaches that work


- Confident & trained leaders
- Application of situational leadership & correct assessment of readiness of the junior results in quantum jumps in development
- Shifting focus from old skilled areas to new horizons of big picture alignment/ future planning/ strategic action

For whom

Middle Management leaders who have reporting managers I 5 days.

Inspirational Leadership - Team Activity
Inspirational Leadership - Team Building
Sharpen the potential

Management Development Programme (MDP)

MDP sensitizes individuals to diverse & different aspects of management which their education may not have focussed on. This builds the competency of the manger to do tasks more effectively & efficiently.


- To develop mangers for better execution & performance on job
- Improve the effectiveness of managers
- Maximise the management M’s

Key Highlights

- Prepares managers for high impact, hands on experience for immediate application at work
- New insights to handle change, challenges
- Tools & techniques to make work more effective
- Establishes the role & importance of relationships and team work


- Upward curve in productivity
- Better priority setting resulting in happier internal & external customers
- Enhanced skill set enables a better work – life balance

For whom

High potential mid-career executives in managerial roles I 4 days.

Discover the Tatvã

First Time Leaders

Common perception is that moving from individual contributor role to a team leader role is a natural progression, In reality that is not the case. As this is the first step into a leadership role of managing people & teams, it is necessary to train & develop First Time Leaders to deliver expected results.


The objective of this programme is to enable employees to imbibe the skills & attitudes needed when they transition from individual contributors into a first level leadership role where they have to manage people & teams.

Key Highlights

- Be trained & handheld for the transition
- Get inducted into the nuances of corporate practices & learn to manage stakeholders/ teams & peers
- Group Coaching to leverage the peer experiences
- Learn practical skills & tools for execution


- Seed a leadership pipeline for the future in a systematic manner
- Improved results in terms of errors / repeat work etc
- Less conflicts & efforts to resolve
- A more relaxed environment as anxiety and stress quotients are lower

For whom

Employees making the transition from Individual contributors to team roles I Modular over 45 days.

Inspirational Leadership

Our Client Stories

We have worked with over 150 organisations to build their leadership pipelines, unleash potential of talent across ages & hierarchies. We invite you to explore our time tested, continuously upgraded, result oriented offerings.