The Power of Leading Authentically: A Conversation About Women and Leadership
Why are there fewer women in leadership roles compared to men? Is it a lack of talent? Opportunity? Or is it the fear of being authentic?
Transformational Leadership: Over-Hyped Myth or Reality
Many of us have heard the phrase “transformational leadership”‘—ask people what they think it means, & sure enough, different people have different ideas, l
Advancing Women in Leadership: The Role of Gender Sensitivity in Modern Organisations
As the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) agenda matures and organisations ramp up numbers to create a balance in ratios, DEI leaders and stakeholders are faced with new realit
Becoming an Inclusive Leader in 2024
By and large, most of us are familiar with the terms and concepts of diversity and inclusion. We know that unless we internalize and begin to make inclusion a way of life, the st
Mentoring: A value-add or low-value activity
Mentoring is not a new word or process; for time immemorial, there have been mentors. Most of us would also have had mentors in our lives in schools, college, homes, and work place
Developing first-time managers to be successful
Moving from being an individual contributor where you are responsible for your own output to a first-time manager where you do your work and lead people is an exciting yet daunting
Enhancing soft skills to impact work & personal well being
Most of us understand why upskilling on technical skills is important to stay relevant in a career. Technical skills are your “hard power’, however, can the hard power hit th
What is Managerial Development Programme (MDP)?
A Managerial Development Programme (MDP) is a focused intervention to upskill middle management, enhancing their competence. In the typical corporate trajectory of growth, people m
A Glimpse into 2024’s Pivotal Leadership Trends
The leadership trends highlighted in this article have been sourced from articles published by HBR (Top 4 business challenges requiring leadership development), (Looking
Key Development Areas for Leaders
"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” - John F. Kennedy The fascinating aspect of leadership is that just when you think you have mastered it, the rug is pul