
Steve Jobs was fired from his own company. Henry Ford went broke five times before he founded the immensely successful Ford Motor Company. Soichora Honda was turned down by Toyota after an interview for a job. He started making scooters at home, and finally went on to start his own business.

A strong leader is characterised by an enduring vision, a resilient will and a proactive approach to achieving goals. However, they too have a big red button called ‘self-doubt’, which once pushed can blind-side them for a bit.

Someone once said that it’s not about falling down, but about how long you take to get back up. I guess these leaders have found a way to get vertical much faster.

So the question is: What happens to leaders when they are blind-sided by challenges, self-doubt and fear? Who leads the leader?

In the article Who Leads the Leader the author explores the mind-sets of leaders who are faced by challenges and lists the main areas of challenges for the leaders of today. He ends on a profound note, one that should be a way of life for everyone around.

Enjoy the read!

