RelationshipsNegative Emotions which dilute Engagement Quotient

Negative Emotions which dilute Engagement Quotient

Where do negative emotions come from?


Negative emotions cannot exist unless you can justify your right to have them. The more you justify yourself and convince yourself that the other person involved is bad in some way, and you are entitled to feel the way you do, the angrier you become.


This means that you take things personally. You interpret what has happened as a personal attack on you. Having healthy emotional boundaries is essential, especially in a work environment. You can be compassionate without identifying with someone else’s emotions.


In extreme cases, hypersensitive people become paralyzed in a way that they cannot make a decision without getting the approval of other people.


Judgmental – ism

When you judge another, you become emotional and emotions distort evaluations. People often judge others because they want to control their behavior.


What happens when you put a socially acceptable explanation on an otherwise socially unacceptable act? Because of low self-esteem and weak egos, most people cannot admit that they have done or said something that was not thoroughly reasonable and justified.

Be very MINDFUL of these behaviors as they impact the Engagement levels of team members.

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