The Power of Leading Authentically: A Conversation About Women and Leadership
Why are there fewer women in leadership roles compared to men? Is it a lack of talent? Opportunity? Or is it the fear of being authentic?
Transformational Leadership: Over-Hyped Myth or Reality
Many of us have heard the phrase “transformational leadership”‘—ask people what they think it means, & sure enough, different people have different ideas, l
What is Managerial Development Programme (MDP)?
A Managerial Development Programme (MDP) is a focused intervention to upskill middle management, enhancing their competence. In the typical corporate trajectory of growth, people m
Women in Leadership
A robust structure for sustained development of Women in Leadership. Dive into the strategies that are reshaping corporate landscapes and accelerating gender parity.
Leadership Presence
The journey of enhancing leadership presence is a reflective, introspective journey of looking inwards & confidently projecting ones core values & beliefs...
Common Fears of Leaders in their leadership positions
Most of us aspire for leadership roles and work towards achieving that growth in our career trajectory. Having got there, we realise that it’s not a cakewalk, and in spite of bei
Inspirational leadership – uncovering the roots of bias – a CEO’s quest for cultural change
A client story of an inspiring leader who worked against resistances & dogmatic attitudes to catalyse breakthrough changes in the DE&I agenda. Follow his trailblazer story...Read m