DiversityThe ‘third’ inning of life

The ‘third’ inning of life

It all started with me being very concerned with the fact that as I facilitated and led more and more senior level interventions, the number of women participants reduced to almost nil in my landscape.

While I did and continue to see women managers in skill building programmes, I feel their representation in initiatives which groom talent for Leadership positions is almost zilch.

A chance invitation to be a faculty speaker for one of NASSCOM events in Bangalore on Diversity & Inclusion surprised me with the knowledge that the absence of women in Leadership positions was a major concern of the industry. All leading organisations were investing energies to  change the scenario.

From here started the third innings of my life (banking TO Leadership & Development TO Diversity & Inclusion)

Very early it occurred to me that focusing only on building the competence of women would be myopic and limiting. It is important to go beyond the lack of women representation at the leadership position to the root causes that lead to this.

Suddenly I found that I was meeting all the right people, consultants, mentors, experts, partners and the old Spiritual saying  came true for me, “when you are truly ready for something teachers, gurus and resources will arrive”.

Today I am happy to share that we have a new focus area Diversity and Inclusion, and we are partnering organisations in meeting their Diversity objectives.  We have three customized products: DHRISHTI, SAKSHI & CHINMAYEE to support organisations in Attracting, Developing and Retaining woman talent.

