Diversity & InclusionAdvancing Women in Leadership: The Role of Gender Sensitivity in Modern Organisations

Advancing Women in Leadership: The Role of Gender Sensitivity in Modern Organisations

As the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) agenda matures and organisations ramp up numbers to create a balance in ratios, DEI leaders and stakeholders are faced with new realities. Let us look at some of them:

Just increasing the ratio of female representation may not be enough. Women need to be provided with fair opportunities to develop into women in leadership roles without the belief that to become so they will need to turn to men within the corporate hierarchy.  With dual roles, biological requirements and other responsibilities, a fair number of women professionals plateau in their careers and forgo new opportunities. The few career-oriented women who aspire for C-Suite roles have to work through daunting obstacles of systemic gender bias and expectations originating from male mindsets and behaviours.  In most of my conversations with the male executives, the larger part of the bias is around the fact that women think, communicate, socialise, dress, and react differently to them and that is not OK or acceptable.   

Now we have scientific & researched data on the fact that men & women are different – not better or worse, just different.

If they are different, then naturally their thinking, behaviours, reactions, responses, and collective patterns will be different. There is no rocket science in this; if two articles are different, it means their composition is different.  Understanding this, many organisations are now raising awareness of employees on Gender Sensitivity – a term which encompasses all genders and is not specific to females only. 

Gender Sensitivity is reviewing one’s own views and behaviour patterns about other genders and relooking at them mindfully from the lens of empathy.

This will create far more inclusive environments which will help in retention and attraction of talent.

Secondly, organisations can nurture the growth of women in leadership roles organically. Gender sensitivity promotes a culture of equal opportunity, irrespective of gender differences. 

Thirdly, gender-sensitive organisations support mentorship and sponsorship programmes designed to accelerate the development of women in leadership positions. 

Fourthly, gender-sensitive organisations have many inspirational women role models, which works as a catalyst for inspiring other young women to aspire for those positions.

Increasing the number of women in leadership positions through the lens of gender sensitivity can create a ripple effect, attracting diverse talent and positively impacting an organisation’s productivity and performance. 

As experts who have been developing women leaders in organisations for 12 years, we know that armed with upskilled business acumen, sharper networking, and personal presence strategies, women employees can leap jump the career plateau.

Our offering CHINMAYEE equips women to prepare for upward career mobility by:

  • Developing a confident mindset to inspire and influence others
  • Nurturing aspirations and crystallising them into vision boards
  • Building a magnetic personal presence and gravitas to hold their own

Click here to find out more about our offering CHINMAYEE.

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